Three Days & Three Ways to Lower Lawyer/Pandemic Anxiety

I cannot keep track of, well, anything lately. Even though I don’t feel acutely stressed, my brain is shrieking (and performing) otherwise. This time of pandemic is somehow blowing all my brain circuits. I am mentally and emotionally wiped out. How about you?

5 Simple Ways to Ratchet Down Lawyer Anxiety—But You Won’t Like Them

World and national events. have heightened our anxiety, for sure. But the bigger problem may be that our work tools dictate a frenzied mental pace–one that far outstrips our actual ability to deal with that pace. All those little islands of downtime that we used to have–waiting rooms, lines, the commute–are now filled with chatter and productivity. Without downtime, our brains get stressed, and we get anxious.

What You Miserable Lawyers Really Need This Year

Your brain needs time to mull things over and roam freely in odd places. Lacking that kind of freedom, your brain (and therefore you) gets frenzied and spastic, going through lots of motions but accomplishing little.

5 Ways to Ratchet Down Your Lawyer Stress Right Now

I was working on a post about lowering your lawyer stress level by creating space in your life. And I’m still going to write it, because I don’t know a lawyer who isn’t stressed and in need of mental space and peace. But now, with the added stress of all the trauma being re-triggered byContinue reading “5 Ways to Ratchet Down Your Lawyer Stress Right Now”

Your Excuses About Meditating Are Horsesh*&, Unhappy Lawyers

Anxiety makes your brain less able to think clearly. You are like that guy at the bar who insists, after 3 beers in an hour, that he is FINE to drive. And everyone sober around him takes one look at him and says, “Dude, you are so not fine!”
In a nutshell, that’s why you need to meditate.